MAGIC stands for Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside. This website provides authoritative geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain. We currently present over 400 datasets in our interactive map, which can be explored using various mapping tools. Natural England manages this service under direction set out by a Steering Group of MAGIC partnership organisations.
The updated version of MAGIC is now available here.
An FAQ is being developed to advise on editing MAGIC bookmarks to ensure they work with the updated site. Note that the new site will revert to a similar but different URL.
After a period of dual running MAGIC will only be available in the updated format. Printing unfortunately will not be working on launch but we are working to make it available as soon as possible. Defra welcomes your feedback, please provide your inputs via this survey link. More on Data updates can be found here.
MAGIC was launched in 2002. Information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain. Presented in an interactive map which can be explored using various mapping tools.
More than 300 data layers are available on MAGIC. The MAGIC partnership organisations are Natural England, Defra, Environment Agency, Historic England, Forestry Commission and Marine Management Organisation.
MAGIC is a very popular website with 2,500 daily user sessions and 9 million maps generated each month across 8 themes, three different basemaps and three overview maps.